Monday 10 December 2018

Movie review: A Star Is Born (2018)

[Post published by Liviu, on Liviu's [Personal] Blog]

Nota bene: for other movie reviews, click for the dedicated page with movie reviews.

A Star Is Born (2018)

[IMDB; en.wikipedia]

I have mixed feelings on this movie.

Both entertaining and boring.
It's good, but not great as I've been expecting :))

Coherent and consistent storyline at first glance.
Quite a lot of drama, although rather superficial.
No twists and turns.
Overall, the story drags too many times because it actually is linear, predictable and a bit boring.

Must note that I expected better songs (you can check the soundtrack [en.wikipedia; IMDB] for yourself!)
  • only The Shallow really sticks in my mind :)
  • Maybe It's Time and Always Remember Us This Way are really good & well performed, they are almost great, but not great enough to stick in my mind :D

Lasts too long. 90 minutes would have been enough for the story it tells.

Bradley Cooper and Lady Gaga do a good job: they act well, sing well and definitely there's some chemistry going on there.

I feel rather upset that the whole team could have achieved much more with the movie, could have done better etc., but somehow they waste (or at least are unable to capture) all that huge potential.

Certainly better than the hyped La La Land (2016) [Liviu review] in all respects and certainly deserves more Academy nominations and more Academy awards.


Worth watching for sure. It's good, but not great as I've been expecting :)) One can safely watch it on TV; no need for the full cinema experience.