Monday 29 May 2017

Movie review: The Fate of the Furious (2017)

[Post published by Liviu, on Liviu's [Personal] Blog]

Nota bene: for other movie reviews, click for the dedicated page with movie reviews.

The Fate of the Furious (2017)

[IMDB; en.wikipedia]

Delivers the action & special effects it promises, but does not flood the screen with them as it used to.
Worth watching, kind of :)

Charlize Theron is smoking hot / cool & sexy etc. and plays the best - ok, that's expected, right?

Why do they kill Elsa Pataky? What on Earth has been in scriptwriters' minds? Provide more screen time for Michelle Rodriguez? :))

Helen Mirren - short, to the point, well played. Great decision to take her on board!

Jason Statham - the guy is simply fun to watch on screen, dunno.

Vin Diesel seems to not get his shit straight for some reason, he doesn't create the magic he used to... maybe he's old? or maybe he needs Paul Walker for that magic?...

Furious 7 (2015) [my review] develops naturally, is fun etc., but The Fate of the Furious constantly delivers the feeling they try hard to get it right, but somehow it lacks the magic, it just doesn't touch me, dunno...

The Fast and the Furious series [en.wikipedia] used to be about Dominic Toretto (Vin Diesel) and Brian O'Conner (Paul Walker) no matter the subject of the actual movie in the series... just like the Die Hard series [en.wikipedia] is about John McClane (Bruce Willis), the James Bond series [en.wikipedia] is about, well, James Bond :), the Mission: Impossible series [en.wikipedia] is about Ethan Hunt (Tom Cruise) etc.

Now that Paul Walker is dead, The Fast and the Furious upcoming movies in the series can't just be about Dominic Toretto (Vin Diesel) and/or his family - spoiler: he gets blackmailed in the current installment regarding his newborn son... - pathetic!

The Fate of the Furious is actually about the (cool & sexy) cyber terrorist Cipher (Charlize Theron) - really, everything gravitates around her, she's got 80% of the initiative, decides the pace of the movie etc.

Please, just get Paul Walker back from the dead, make one more great movie, then kill/end the franchise.


Quite a lot of action & special effects. Fun. Entertaining.

Worth watching, mostly because of Charlize Theron, Helen Mirren and Jason Statham.

Friday 5 May 2017

Review de teatru: Un barbat si mai multe femei @Teatrul de Arta (Bucuresti)

[Post published by Liviu, on Liviu's [Personal] Blog]

Un barbat si mai multe femei

[descrierea oficiala]

Foarte tare.
Razi, dar cu masura, in ritm constant. Ras de om inteligent. Te binedispune.

Jucata foarte bine.
Paula Chirila face mai multe roluri grele, interpretand diverse tipologii de femei, alternativ. Foarte buna interpretarea!
George Constantinescu joaca bine. Se simte ca poate mai mult, dar atat ii permite acest rol mai usor.

80 de minute - au zburat foarte repede.

31.5 RON - piesa merita 29 RON, iar sala de teatru 2.5 RON :)

Am gasit foarte putine informatii despre autorul Leonid Zorin [en.wikipedia] - nu mi-e clar care ar fi titlul piesei in engleza, n-am gasit o descriere a piesei etc. - Google ma tot bate la cap cu mesajul "Some results may have been removed under data protection law in Europe" - wtf?

2017-04-30 - Teatrul de Arta (Bucuresti)

[site oficial]

Pacat ca sala este mica si inghesuita, cu o ventilatie proasta... Singura sursa de ventilatie ar fi 2 aparate de aer conditionat, care nu au functionat - dar foarte bine ca _nu_ au functionat!, pentru ca mi-ar fi batut fix in cap (erau la 2 metri oblic de mine, pe perete) si nu as fi rezistat 80 de minute sa-mi sufle aer (de orice temperatura ar fi fost) direct in cap...


Piesa este foarte tare.
Jucata foarte bine.

Pacat ca sala de teatru are ventilatie proasta.