Thursday, 3 March 2016

Movie review: Deadpool

[Post published by Liviu, on Liviu's [Personal] Blog]

Nota bene: for other movie reviews, click for the dedicated page with movie reviews.

Deadpool (2016)

[official site; IMDB; en.wikipedia]

Well, it's different from what you've watched until now with respect to superhero / comics hero movies, since you get this antihero, disfigured, mentally unstable, yet funny and a bit arrogant through his unusually dark & perverted sense of humor.

Packed with references (i.e. at least every 1-2 minutes) to other movies and/or stories, people and/or characters, entertainment business (movies, music, entertainment in general, Hollywood) etc.

Remember how Le tout nouveau testament (2015) [Liviu review] is packed with references to religion, European philosophy and mythology etc., therefore one needs to have been educated with respect to all these in order to understand the movie?
Well, one should have been educated regarding (or at least in contact with) popular culture since the '80s to understand the references in Deadpool...

There are 2 types of viewers to such a movie:
  1. The trained / educated (with respect to popular culture, I mean!) viewer delighted by all those references that empower the jokes / the overall comedy etc.
  2. The regular / untrained / uneducated (again, with respect to popular culture!) viewer laughing at the standalone jokes - all jokes do stand by themselves (which is great!), but they're a lot funnier if one understands the references...

Promotes a new policy regarding cliches in superhero movies and/or action movies in general. It...
  1. either exploits the cliches to the full
  2. or breaks them down into pieces and explains them
, but always makes fun of them at some point and kind of (i) deliberately destroys them or (ii) hijacks them.


Worth watching.
Time well spent.
Must emphasize that all those references account for more than half of the fun of the movie! :)

Looking forward for the sequel!

Update: Deadpool 2 (2018) [Liviu review]