Monday 22 July 2019

Movie review: Anna (2019)

[Post published by Liviu, on Liviu's [Personal] Blog]

Nota bene: for other movie reviews, click for the dedicated page with movie reviews.

Anna (2019)

[IMDB; en.wikipedia]


Great story.
Much more than a Coherent & Consistent storyline.
Best story of an action movie I've watched in years.

Great acting.
All characters get the right amount of screen time.
Helen Mirren, Luke Evans and Cillian Murphy really shine.
Sasha Luss does a good part. However, must note the other 3 carry part of the load, so her task is easier than carrying the whole movie by herself.

Quite a lot of action, well packed, spread nicely throughout the movie.
Obviously, I would have liked more action, but there's plenty already.

Really good editing and post processing.

The cinema experience is a must.

The only major flaw is the time range - given the technology displayed in the movie, they should have added at least 5 years, if not 10, to the chosen time range, i.e. instead of the late '80s / early '90s, they should have chosen the late '90s. But, hey, all action movies are flawed to some extent, so I don't mind :))

Anna (2019) feels like Atomic Blonde (2017) done right... So, my best guess is Luc Besson has started all this to show everyone how Atomic Blonde should have been done - and he definitely succeeds at that! - but he adds elements and technology available only 5-10 years later :))


Worth watching. Time well spent.

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