Monday 28 August 2023

Movie review: Oppenheimer (2023)

[Post published by Liviu, on Liviu's [Personal] Blog]

Nota bene: for other movie reviews, click for the dedicated page with movie reviews.

Oppenheimer (2023)

[IMDB; en.wikipedia]

It’s an... epic biographical thriller drama film... not an action movie, ok? :D

Great script and great movie directing...
It slowly and thoroughly develops the story and patiently builds the tension... through minor plots and twists... and by playing with the narrative threads... and by focusing on changes in characters’ feelings... and by letting the passing of time itself have its own impact on the characters...

I’ve been misled by the trailer to think there would be more focus on the science part or the atomic bomb part...
Truth is there’s very little focus on the science part or the atomic bomb...

Admittedly, the movie feels more like (and is :D) a soap opera :D with respect to its approach to characters’ love life & work life and politics in general... an excellent & expensive soap opera if you ask me, but a soap opera nevertheless! :D

Science in general and the atomic bomb in particular only serve as plots & twists to keep this beautiful & excellent & expensive soap opera going and basically sell/market it to moviegoers...

Entertaining for 3 hours straight.
Never drags.

Really good cinematography.

Interesting soundtrack & sounds - there's not much music to it, but rather an intense & deep & low noise, sort of an uncomfortable continuous noise at times... which makes perfect sense!

Great acting.
Lots of actors, some famous, some not famous - yet, all of them deliver a perfect performance! Congratulations to all of them!

There's just a bit of explicit sexual content perfectly timed, just to make the point and keep the story going.
They could have inserted more, but I guess they tried to avoid hurting their rating or something.

The cinema experience is a must.
TV and/or streaming would ruin the movie experience.
IMAX?! What for?! I don't see the point to it with respect to this movie.

Oppenheimer is gonna earn a lot of Academy Awards nominations, that’s for sure...
Later edit: it has, it deserves them.


Time & Money well spent.

I just wish the trailer would have been more honest:
(i) Truth is there’s very little focus on the science part or the atomic bomb...
(ii) Science in general and the atomic bomb in particular only serve as plots & twists to keep this beautiful & excellent & expensive soap opera going and basically sell/market it to moviegoers...

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