Thursday 18 February 2010

The story...

[Post publicat de Liviu, pe Liviu's [Personal] Blog]

It has always been about the story and the attitude.
Seth Godin used to talk a lot about this on the old times, but now he talks about it just from now and then.

Main idea to remember, as I see it:
Most things (besides profit-driven commercial products) need a story. By things I mean: people, attitudes, philosophies, politics/wars, competitions etc.

For example:
  1. People - Think of all great businessmen you know: you know them because you know their story and/or the story of their products/campaigns.
  2. Competitions - You probably know lots of parts of the story of the rivalry between Apple and Microsoft.
  3. Philosophy also means religion and you probably know big parts of your religion's story, don't you?
  4. If you're fond of politics you most likely know a lot of the story regarding WW 1 and 2, and the foundation of the EU and/or US.
Bottom line: you need a story for you, for your products, for your business and so on. Make it true, let it come by itself, do your best to make it interesting and challenging.

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