Saturday, 4 May 2013

Ochiuri (de sfarsit de Aprilie) a la Liviu

[Post published by Liviu, on Liviu's [Personal] Blog]

Dupa succesul rasunator al omletei (de Duminca de Iarna) a-la-Liviu, vine inca un hit:
Ochiuri (de sfarsit de Aprilie) a la Liviu

Materii prime si procesarea lor

  • bacon si kaizer
  • cozi de ceapa noua, se taie in lungime de 1-1.5 cm
  • 2 oua: se sparg si se pastreaza asa intacte, ca vei face ochiuri, ok?
  • niste cascaval: se taie cubulete, intrucat se pune peste ochiuri in procesul facerii
  • 1 castravete taiat cerculete
  • 2 ridichi taiate cum te chinuie talentul
  • niste salata verde

Algoritm & Implementare

  1. Se caleste ceapa. O lasi apoi in farfurie intr-un colt.
    Don't eat it! It's really good, but don't eat it!
  2. Se pun ouale in tigaie, iar deasupra: cascaval, bacon, kaizer. Se fac ochiurile cu tot mixul de deasupra.
  3. Se scoat ochiurile, se orneaza deasupra cu ceapa calita, pe margine cu cerculetele de castravete si bucatile de ridiche, plus 2 frunze de salata verde.
There, done! Enjoy!

2 poze, cu luminari diferite:

Easy, right?

Oblivion [Movie Review]

[Post published by Liviu, on Liviu's [Personal] Blog]

[en.wikipedia; IMDB]


Quite a nice, entertaining, and almost (i.e. roughly 90%, but definitely not 100%) coherent story. Makes sense most of the time.

Too straightforward for my taste.

Some may find the story developing too slow, therefore they may find the movie boring at times. I understand them. However, I like this type of storytelling - feels relaxing.


Tom Cruise feels... old. He is no longer the young & energic Tom Cruise he used to be... or could this be the way he envisioned playing the smart astronaut & engineer Jack? :) Hmm, could be... it makes sense now, if I think of it a bit more.

Anyway, my personal favorites are the 2 female characters - Vika [Andrea Riseborough], respectively Julia [Olga Kurylenko] - which at times fight for the same man, i.e. the confused-and-tired-but-smart-Jack.

Special effects

For some reason, I had the feeling they used the same team and/or effects from Tron, but put in a clear daylight.

In Tron, if you remember, everything happened during the night and/or with a dark background. There were striking colors in front. Special effects were so obvious. Well done, spectacular, yes, but obvious.

Oblivion on the other hand displays cool special effects perfectly integrated in a daylight environment. They so perfectly blend with the environment, that one might not even notice them. I admire this type of discrete special effects.

The drones seem cool, too: simple, with quite a powerful technology inside, do what you would expect them to do, nothing fancy and/or supernatural.


Fun. Worth watching. However, some may not appreciate it to the full and/or may find it boring.

Friday, 3 May 2013

Cata lume s-a dus la munca pe 2-3 Mai 2013? [statistica empirica Liviu]

[Post published by Liviu, on Liviu's [Personal] Blog]

Cata lume s-a dus la munca pe 2-3 Mai 2013? [statistica empirica Liviu]

Well, I did, that's for sure! :)

Anyway, daca mai tineti mine statistica empirica Liviu Cata lume s-a dus la munca pe 24, 27, 28 si 31 Decembrie 2012, respectiv 3, 4, 7, 8, 9 Ianuarie 2013? si v-a placut, atunci va aduc o noua statistica legata de zilele de 2-3 Mai 2013.

Vom folosi aceeasi motivatie si acelasi mod de calcul precum in statistica anterioara...

Rezultatele sunt asa:

2 Mai 2013, Joi: 40%
3 Mai 2013, Vineri: 30%

Analiza: Ipoteze/Idei/Observatii/Speculatii

Dunno, dar as fi vrut sa vad mai multa lume ducandu-se la munca... Cu bucuria asta de vacante si pauze, nivelul de trai va ramane in continuare la fel de prost, zic.