Monday 4 December 2017

Movie review: Singularity (2017)

[Post published by Liviu, on Liviu's [Personal] Blog]

Nota bene: for other movie reviews, click for the dedicated page with movie reviews.

Singularity (2017)

[IMDB; en.wikipedia]

The core story is smart & daring & brings (kind of) a fresh approach to Artificial Intelligence, BUT the movie lacks the almighty Hollywood framework with respect to...
  1. storytelling - at times, the story lacks coherence or drags (dead time is quite common)
  2. acting performance - average, overall
    • John Cusack performs well, but gets quite little screen time and only interacts with Carmen Argenziano who is a good match for him, by the way. He never interacts with any of the 2 teenagers - it's like he's playing in a totally different movie :))
    • Julian Schaffner, the male teenager, can act one thing: confusion :D, and he's good at it :D
    • Jeannine Wacker, the female teenager, resembles Jennifer Lawrence in Hunger Games - looks like her, carries a bow and arrows (but she never uses them :D) etc. - but she ain't Ms. Lawrence, unfortunately
  3. special effects - they feel boring and/or like leftovers from other movies
  4. postprocessing - video & audio quality is average, kind of like in a Steven Seagal movie :))
  5. price tag of everything in the movie - everything feels cheap and/or everyone feels kind of embarrassed when acting...
Towards the end, they are so eager about a sequel and give obvious hints on that, just like The 5th Wave (2016) [Liviu: review] and It (2017) [Liviu: review] do.

Could have been better & smarter than Life (2017) [Liviu: review] if done right.


All in all, the movie might be ok for watching on TV, but delivers too little for a cinema experience.

Nota bene: after reading the en.wikipedia description it all makes sense: "Singularity began as a low-budget sci-fi film called Aurora, which was shot in 2013 in the Czech Republic and Switzerland. John Cusack was not involved in the original shoot. Years later, scenes with Cusack were shot and inserted into the new production, and extensive CGI effects were used to tie the new material to the original film."

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