[Post publicat de Liviu, pe Liviu's [Personal] Blog]
Disclaimer: Recomand ca acest post plictisitor sa fie evitat de cei care cred in urmatorele:
pentru ca va contine crtici impotriva acestora, iar daca va veti contamina citind si veti pierde credinta in acestea, atunci nu stiu cum veti putea reveni la starea initiala.
Bun, am avertizat posibilii cititori non-stiintifici...
Inca o chestie: nu-s expert in cele ce urmeaza, dar nah! ca inginer pot sa ajung sa inteleg cum functioneaza un sistem (input, output, mecanisme interne, rationamentele de design din spate etc.) deci pot sa-l explic/critic dupa ce ma prind ce se intampla in spate...
Q: Ce sunt acelea: (a) Psihologie? Psiholog? (b) Psihiatrie? Psihiatru?
A: Pai in principiu fiecare se ocupa cu psihicul uman (mda, evident): grupa "a" il studiaza, grupa "b" il trateaza/repara - cam asa vad eu lucrurile foarte simplificat.
De exmplu, e ca diferenta dintre (a) mecanica ca ramura a fizicii si cercetatorii pe acel domeniu stiintific, si (b) mecanica aplicata la un automobil si mecanicul care stie cum sa-l repare.
Detaliile complete (punctul de pornire pentru pasionati) se gasesc pe net: Psihologie, Psiholog, Psihiatrie, Psihiatru. OK, acum treceti la citit informatia dura, i.e. stiintifica, argumentata si studiata intens; wikipedia a fost doar pentru introducere.
Q: Ce inseamna parapsihologie?
A: In mod interesant, parapsihologia a incercat sa se inventeze ca domeniu de cercetare (ramura stiintifica este deja enorm spus), dar nu a reusit: intrand intr-un domeniu prea vag al studierii fenomenelor psihice, fara a putea produce rezultate palpabile si (foarte important!) reproductibile in mod constant si indubitabil, a ramas un domeniu controversat.
Pe scurt: daca lipsesc rezultatele clare, concrete, aplicabile, reproductibile etc. atunci nu ai nimic.
Q: Pot fi influentati oamenii?
A: Well, doh! Evident!
Pentru prosti e nevoie de cuvinte mari, e.g. ritualuri, ezoterisme etc.
Revenind la realitate, exista carti care trateaza domeniul numit comunicare: body language, cum sa vorbesti, negociere, leadership etc. - indirect ele pot influenta oamenii, evident, dar nu sunt metode garantate; s-au dezvoltat din procesul de incercare-esec, pe baza unor concluzii empirice si cam atat. Ne-am dori sa existe reteta universala, dar nu exista, sorry.
De exemplu in computer science, ramura de security si atacuri este perceputa iar gresit: prostii vor cred ca ai nevoie de: enshpe compuri, eshpe programe, neaparat enshpe display-uri viu colorate daca faci un film etc. ca sa spargi un sistem informatic bine protejat (imaginatia voastra poate pune aici orice chestie exotica, e.g. Pentagon, Casa Alba, site-ul unui guvern din UE etc.).
Cei informati din domeniu stiu ca ai nevoie sa exploatezi o vulnerabilitate si apoi depinde: poti sa pleci cu un singur comp si sa infectezi altele si sa faci atac DDOS, poti sa targetezi un "single point of failure" la cel pe care-l ataci etc. De asemenea, poti descoperi tu singur vulnerabilitatea sau poti exploata una deja documentata, dar pe care cei targetati nu au rezolvat-o, e.g. le-a fost lene sa faca update.
Nu prea mai e fun domeniul de security, nu? Am trecut de la exotisme, la multa munca/cercetare.
Q: Stai un pic: deci tocmai am convenit ca pot fi influentati oamenii. Ce fac specialistii in PR&Comunicare?
A: Pai stiu ca imbrace frumos informatia, sa scrie o specificatie completa despre cum sa o transmiti la target etc. Nimic spectaculos aparent, dar extrem de puternic/util daca o faci bine. Intr-adevar, (1) e greu si (2) nu implica nimic supranatural.
Q: Si atunci de ce vorbeste mass-media din Romania de: atacuri energetice (EVZ, Gandul), parapsihologi (EVZ: 1, 2; Gandul: 1, 2) etc.?
A: De prosti.
Trivia: Stiati ca si Obama a purtat cravata violet?
Update - 7 Feb 2010: Stema Romaniei vopsita violet.
Friday, 29 January 2010
Tuesday, 19 January 2010
[TED] Steven Cowley: Fusion is energy's future
[Post published by Liviu, on Liviu's [Personal] Blog]
A really beautiful, concise and coherent presentation on fusion, as energy's future: simple enough for anyone to understand what fusion is, yet funny and relaxing/enjoyable.
I do believe fusion will be there, maybe even play a big role, but I also believe that wind and solar power will experience breakthroughs in the future, maybe in the next 10 or at most 20 years.
I enjoy it too when mister Putin turns off the gas tap :D (Politics and economics are too complex for me to explain now why I feel/consider that, but I do want that gas tap be turned off more frequently.)
A really beautiful, concise and coherent presentation on fusion, as energy's future: simple enough for anyone to understand what fusion is, yet funny and relaxing/enjoyable.
I do believe fusion will be there, maybe even play a big role, but I also believe that wind and solar power will experience breakthroughs in the future, maybe in the next 10 or at most 20 years.
I enjoy it too when mister Putin turns off the gas tap :D (Politics and economics are too complex for me to explain now why I feel/consider that, but I do want that gas tap be turned off more frequently.)
Saturday, 9 January 2010
Infrastructura din Bucuresti: ce se contruieste, poze, informatii etc.
[Post publicat de Liviu, pe Liviu's [Personal] Blog]
Navingand random, din link in link peste site-uri, blog-uri etc., am descoperit o super sectiune a unui super site care documenteaza lucrarile de infrastructura din Bucuresti: (1) Ce s-a finalizat, la ce se lucreaza, ce se va face in viitor; (2) Poze de la lucrari etc.
Exemplul cel mai bun si care m-a convins: Podul Basarab - mai ales galeria foto organizata pe luni de zile, prezentand starea lucrarilor (da, am plictisit oameni intrebandu-i despre cum se mai misca lucrarile pe acolo, intrucat eram foarte curios, dar de acum voi astepta cu rabdare sa apara cate o noua galerie foto).
Anyway, ultima chestie pentru fani: pagina principala si canalul youtube.
Navingand random, din link in link peste site-uri, blog-uri etc., am descoperit o super sectiune a unui super site care documenteaza lucrarile de infrastructura din Bucuresti: (1) Ce s-a finalizat, la ce se lucreaza, ce se va face in viitor; (2) Poze de la lucrari etc.
Exemplul cel mai bun si care m-a convins: Podul Basarab - mai ales galeria foto organizata pe luni de zile, prezentand starea lucrarilor (da, am plictisit oameni intrebandu-i despre cum se mai misca lucrarile pe acolo, intrucat eram foarte curios, dar de acum voi astepta cu rabdare sa apara cate o noua galerie foto).
Anyway, ultima chestie pentru fani: pagina principala si canalul youtube.
Tuesday, 5 January 2010
Something inspiring to make you think...
[Post publicat de Liviu, pe Liviu's [Personal] Blog]
Last post was about funny and relaxing things.
Now it's time to get you a bit tensed.
I provide only one song: the Syriana song (from the Syriana movie soundtrack) - this one is rather sad and makes one think.
So think about it, since a new year has started: it's about idea, desires, goals, objectives and so on... It's about YOU!
Last post was about funny and relaxing things.
Now it's time to get you a bit tensed.
I provide only one song: the Syriana song (from the Syriana movie soundtrack) - this one is rather sad and makes one think.
So think about it, since a new year has started: it's about idea, desires, goals, objectives and so on... It's about YOU!
Saturday, 2 January 2010
Something inspiring: funny and relaxing
[Post publicat de Liviu, pe Liviu's [Personal] Blog]
I wanted to write something inspiring for Christmas and the New Year, but I couldn't find anything really inspiring, i.e. to vibrate in anyone. I could have written several good posts about one's ideas (how to create them, how to fight for them and accomplish one's dreams), desires, hard work etc. but I suppose you either know all this or have a good vision on these topics, so I decided not to; there shall come up better moments in the future to write these posts.
I have come up with an idea - it's about showing you a couple of funny and relaxing videos (from youtube), which I've saved in my playlists during the last 2-3 months:
I wanted to write something inspiring for Christmas and the New Year, but I couldn't find anything really inspiring, i.e. to vibrate in anyone. I could have written several good posts about one's ideas (how to create them, how to fight for them and accomplish one's dreams), desires, hard work etc. but I suppose you either know all this or have a good vision on these topics, so I decided not to; there shall come up better moments in the future to write these posts.
I have come up with an idea - it's about showing you a couple of funny and relaxing videos (from youtube), which I've saved in my playlists during the last 2-3 months:
- Louis Armstrong singing What a Wonderful World
- From Anger Management (a great comedy), the I feel pretty scene (Adam Sandler and Jack Nicholson acting great together), and the original I feel pretty song (from the West Side Story movie), which is a very charming and pretty and witty and gay song - it's fun and joyful!
- Horia Brenciu singing Prologue - it's a relaxing song I've discovered some 2-3 months ago since I've started subscribing to various youtube channels, e.g. Media Pro Music.