Saturday 2 January 2010

Something inspiring: funny and relaxing

[Post publicat de Liviu, pe Liviu's [Personal] Blog]

I wanted to write something inspiring for Christmas and the New Year, but I couldn't find anything really inspiring, i.e. to vibrate in anyone. I could have written several good posts about one's ideas (how to create them, how to fight for them and accomplish one's dreams), desires, hard work etc. but I suppose you either know all this or have a good vision on these topics, so I decided not to; there shall come up better moments in the future to write these posts.

I have come up with an idea - it's about showing you a couple of funny and relaxing videos (from youtube), which I've saved in my playlists during the last 2-3 months:
  1. Louis Armstrong singing What a Wonderful World
  2. From Anger Management (a great comedy), the I feel pretty scene (Adam Sandler and Jack Nicholson acting great together), and the original I feel pretty song (from the West Side Story movie), which is a very charming and pretty and witty and gay song - it's fun and joyful!
  3. Horia Brenciu singing Prologue - it's a relaxing song I've discovered some 2-3 months ago since I've started subscribing to various youtube channels, e.g. Media Pro Music.
Enjoy 2010, people!

1 comment:

andreiolaru said...

That was nice. You're a good man, to bring this to us.

Iar scena din Anger Management va ramane memorabila pentru mult timp. Sandler are o voce geniala.

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